I can hear you asking me : Why should I learn Phrasal verbs?
Well, a word of advice : They are essential to understanding everyday/ naturally spoken English/films. Native speakers use phrasal verbs regularly and so, it will benefit you to understand them a dash better.
Tip: Try to learn at least 5 per week and then with that, 5 synonyms/ full verbs and their collocations. ( E.g : Get into + art,music, series = To start enjoying something.Come across + an old friend, a lost item, a book, a new word = find by accident.)
Nota bene: Full verbs are best used in writing/ formal conversation.
A phrasal verb by definition, is a two or three word verb: (a verb + a preposition or verb + adverb.) We can modify the use of a verb for more meaning/ to change the meaning of the verb by adding a particle/creating a phrasal verb. ( Examples of the particle : Up, On, In, At.Over.)
Phrasal verbs can be transitive or intransitive.
Intransitive phrasal verbs have no direct object.(A direct object is “acted upon” by the verb).
Transitive phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable.Transitive phrasal verbs have a direct object.

NB: Always place a pronoun between the verb and particle if you find it is seperable! ''Turn it on.'', NOT: ''Turn on it.''.
Let's look at some Phrasal verbs and then answer some questions as we go along !
Understanding the particle in English will help you understand Phrasal verbs even better:
To pick up/ Pick + someone + up = Move in a car with someone -( To transport.)
Example: I will pick you up at 5p.m
Has a friend ever picked you up? Where did you go? Have you ever picked someone up before?

Pull up = To approach/To move closer to someone / somewhere.
Example: I pulled up a seat to sit closer to the board.
Have you ever pulled up a chair for someone? When do you think we should? Do you think it is polite if a man pulls up a chair for a woman?
Move up = Movement /To literally stand and move towards the left or right.
Example: Please move up, so more people can sit on the couch.
Have you ever moved up for someone to sit next to you on a bench?
Have you ever asked someone to move up because they were taking too much space? What happened? Were they polite?
Brighten up = To increase/improve or To provide more light into a dark space/ To become more cheerful/ happier.
Examples: The colourful flowers really brighten up the office! Brighten up, do not be sad - things will get better !
What do you do to brighten up when having a bad day? How can we brighten up someone's day?
Have you ever refurbished your home ? How did you brighten it up? ( Decorate/improve it.)
Clean up = To improve how a place/person looks.
Examples: You have really cleaned up the office, it looks much better! I think Sara cleans up well - she looks great in formal clothing !
Note: Clean up is a phrasal verb which means: to make (a room or space) clean and orderly. ... Clean out is a phrasal verb which means something such as a cupboard, room, or container, you take everything out of it and clean the inside of it thoroughly. Clean = can mean one item or many / used more frequently than ''clean up.''.
Do you have a regular schedule for cleaning up your home? Why? Does anyone help you clean up? Do you enjoy cleaning up?
Your turn ! Can you make two sentences with each of the above Phrasal verbs ?
These two examples show you things that help you remember phrasal verbs, according to http://www.phrasalverbdemon.com/:
Keep down:
Try to remember... Logic of the particle: Down sometimes means reducing.
Example: Please keep your voice down, the neighbors are complaining.
A Couple of collocations: you can keep down your voice, the noise, your weight,bad food.
Grammar: you can separate it. You can say ,‘’keep your voice down’’ and ‘’keep it down ‘’.
Come across:
Try to remember... Logic of the particle: Across sometimes means finding.
Example: I came across an old school friend of mine when I was travelling in Zimbabwe.
A Couple of collocations: you can come across a friend, an old photograph, a new place.
Grammar: you can't separate it. You can say come across an old friend but you can't say come an old friend across or come him across.
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